Thursday, July 9, 2020

Business Development Executive Job Description Role Skill

Business Development Executive Job Description Role Skill Business Development Executive Job Description: Role Skill3 min read Read ­ing Time: 3 min ­utesBusi ­ness devel ­op ­ment is essen ­tial for every orga ­ni ­za ­tion in terms of expand ­ing its clien ­tele. It involves tasks and meth ­ods to cre ­ate and imple ­ment growth oppor ­tu ­ni ­ties in an orga ­ni ­za ­tion. As a result, Busi ­ness Devel ­op ­ment Exec ­u ­tives are respon ­si ­ble for com ­ing up with ideas that add to a busi ­ness in one way or anoth ­er. As per the Busi ­ness Devel ­op ­ment Exec ­u ­tive job descrip ­tion, they are senior sales experts who aim to acquire new cus ­tomers as well as sell more prod ­ucts to exist ­ing cus ­tomers. Hence, the demand for skilled Busi ­ness Devel ­op ­ment Exec ­u ­tives is high in every sec ­tor, even non-prof ­it orga ­ni ­za ­tions. Role Responsibilities The Busi ­ness Devel ­op ­ment Exec ­u ­tive job descrip ­tion defines that their role involves immense coor ­di ­na ­tion between dif ­fer ­ent teams to get every ­one on the same page. Fur ­ther ­more, this ensures that all the teams are work ­ing towards one par ­ent objec ­tive. Usu ­al ­ly, a Busi ­ness Devel ­op ­ment Exec ­u ­tive occu ­pies a senior-lev ­el role in the com ­pa ­ny they work with. This means they are respon ­si ­ble for numer ­ous things, like: Build ­ing rela ­tion ­ships with present and poten ­tial clients. Iden ­ti ­fy ­ing and cre ­at ­ing new busi ­ness oppor ­tu ­ni ­ties. Cre ­ate and main ­tain a pro ­posed client data ­base. Gen ­er ­at ­ing a sales goal for the team and ensur ­ing they are met. Under ­stand ­ing client needs as well as offer ­ing impec ­ca ­ble sup ­port. Arrange meet ­ings between poten ­tial clients and senior man ­age ­ment. Excel ­lent knowl ­edge about every prod ­uct the com ­pa ­ny is offer ­ing. Devel ­op ­ing busi ­ness pro ­pos ­als. Mak ­ing out ­bound calls to exist ­ing clients to close sales. Qualification Skills Busi ­ness Devel ­op ­ment Exec ­u ­tive is that one job role where your abil ­i ­ty to sell will be giv ­en pref ­er ­ence over your pos ­ses ­sion of a degree. For junior roles, a grad ­u ­ate with smart sell ­ing skills and a pre ­sentable per ­son ­al ­i ­ty can get in. How ­ev ­er, many orga ­ni ­za ­tions might want a degree. Hence, a degree in busi ­ness or maths is your best option. More ­over, to get to the exec ­u ­tive lev ­el, many can ­di ­dates are pro ­mot ­ed from their exist ­ing jobs. Main ­ly, these can ­di ­dates have a sales and mar ­ket ­ing back ­ground. As per a Busi ­ness Devel ­op ­ment Exec ­u ­tive job descrip ­tion, a can ­di ­date must have the fol ­low ­ing skills: Strong com ­mu ­ni ­ca ­tion skills Flu ­en ­cy in IT func ­tions Good with num ­bers Excep ­tion ­al knowl ­edge of the cur ­rent trends in the indus ­try Remark ­able inter ­per ­son ­al and lead ­er ­ship skills Great time man ­age ­ment and ana ­lyt ­i ­cal skills Abil ­i ­ty to influ ­ence clients and goal-ori ­ent ­ed High atten ­tion to details Pro ­fi ­cien ­cy in Microsoft Office (espe ­cial ­ly Excel and Pow ­er ­Point) Abil ­i ­ty to work under pres ­sure and meet dead ­lines Supe ­ri ­or pre ­sen ­ta ­tion skills Career Scope The career of a Busi ­ness Devel ­op ­ment Exec ­u ­tive can be chal ­leng ­ing. How ­ev ­er, the perks that this job role offers are nev ­erend ­ing. If you know how to mar ­ket your ­self, you can sell any ­thing. Besides, you get to trav ­el to new places, meet new peo ­ple and build a cor ­po ­rate net ­work. More ­over, this job will offer you ample growth oppor ­tu ­ni ­ties. In terms of your coop ­er ­ate lad ­der, here is a set of oppor ­tu ­ni ­ties that fol ­low once you become a BD Exec ­u ­tive: Busi ­ness Devel ­op ­ment Man ­ag ­er:Once you have gained enough expe ­ri ­ence as a Busi ­ness Devel ­op ­ment Exec ­u ­tive, you can be pro ­mot ­ed (depend ­ing on your work per ­for ­mance) to a Busi ­ness Devel ­op ­ment Man ­ag ­er. A Busi ­ness Devel ­op ­ment Man ­ag ­er main ­ly adheres to the same respon ­si ­bil ­i ­ties as an Exec ­u ­tive but on a macro lev ­el. Find the list of more than 25K busi ­ness devel ­op ­ment man ­ag ­er jobs in India here. Busi ­ness Devel ­op ­ment Direc ­tor:A Busi ­ness Devel ­op ­ment Direc ­tor is respon ­si ­ble for dri ­ving a com ­pa ­ny’s busi ­ness to new oppor ­tu ­ni ­ties and increas ­ing its rev ­enue. They pro ­pose and pro ­duce strate ­gic plans for build ­ing part ­ner ­ships in the indus ­try. The Direc ­tor is account ­able for lead ­ing the team of man ­agers who report direct ­ly to him. Vice Pres ­i ­dent Of Busi ­ness Devel ­op ­ment: Vice Pres ­i ­dent of Busi ­ness Devel ­op ­ment over ­sees the build ­ing of new busi ­ness part ­ner ­ships. They are respon ­si ­ble for nego ­ti ­at ­ing con ­tracts and exe ­cut ­ing strate ­gies that will increase the sales of a com ­pa ­ny. More ­over, VP Of Busi ­ness Devel ­op ­ment reports direct ­ly to the CEO of the com ­pa ­ny. Salary A stan ­dard salary struc ­ture for a Busi ­ness Devel ­op ­ment Exec ­u ­tive falls between 2.8â€"3.0 LPA. This comes to an aver ­age of 23â€"25k per month. How ­ev ­er, some orga ­ni ­za ­tions might offer a pack ­age of up to 3 LPA as well. Learn how to nego ­ti ­ate a salary here.

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